Friday, 15 August 2014

Week 3: Contact Session

 In this session, we brought the ideas, put them altogether and organised them by theme. In our group, we classified them into 5 sections; News, Media, Game, Searching and Others. My ideas was 'Finding Local Area', 'What UQ has', 'Sea Creatures near the Australia' and 'History of Australia'. After we categorized our group`s idea, we combined all ideas of this class and we looked through all the ideas.
 I liked the other people`s idea such as 'Finding differences between two' and 'Video snapshot'. So I made a team with Josh who designed the video snapshot idea, and we found two more group member; Nick and Joey. We shared our contact and took the part of the project. Josh and Nick is going to do programming, Joey will do database part and I will take design part of the project. It seems we have a full and good team. I hope we get through and finish the project well.

 Here is what we did in the workshop session.

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