Friday, 29 August 2014

Week 5: Journal (Poster & Pitch Reflections)

 This week, we had a presentation for our project concept, 'ViRails'. We printed and brought our poster to contact session and introduced our concept to others. We did presentation by turns and I was a bit nervous when I took my turn. I think it was successful. We did our best to do our first project, 'Poster and Pitch'. I took design part and made poster successfully, and other members did documentation part and it also went smoothly. While I was doing my poster, I showed the process of design and got feedback from my teammates. They provided good feedback and I could complete my poster well. Since the new design of poster was a bit different from first design, I had to change the frame and color but I could make better poster.

 We got feedback through our presentation in contact session. Lorna asked whether users can watch the random video or not, and we planned to give users a specific topic`s video randomly. She also suggested to show a visual images of the video in Playlist to users. I think it is a good idea for user-friendly website. It helps users to remember and find video which they saved. We also think of adding thumnail and description of the video.She asked what if users don`t type the keyword, and our answer was that the website will suggest other playlists to users. It was useful time to improve and get feedback for our concept. We will start our following project based on the feedback.

 We also looked our teams` presentation. There were interesting ideas. I like 'Pop e Cloud'. It is a music discovery website and users can explode the story behind the music. I`m very interested in music so It will be good and useful website for those who are interested in music like me. They also combined the idea with timeline. So users can also see news report relevant to the music. I think their idea is quite interesting but it will be a bit hard to implement the idea.  
 'Pick Flip' was one of attractive concepts. It is simple memory game for kids and teenagers. I like their concept which is to match the images. It will be fun to play the game and they said it will have more level as users finish one step successfully. 

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